Year: 1916
Runtime: 3 mins
Description: I. '"COOK HOUSE CALL: One of the most welcome bugle calls to our Tommies "The Cook House".' Issuing rations to the men occupying the trenches in Greece'. The rations seem to consist of fresh chickens, which the soldiers are seen merrily plucking. Soldiers in kilts queue up for mugs of tea. A group of men loiter round a field gun, with more kilted soldiers (one carrying a set of bagpipes) pass by in the background.II. 'BREAKING IN HORSES FOR ARTILLERY: Horses whilst pulling a heavy army wagon accustomed to the sound of rapid rifle fire as part of their training'. A team of horses pull a large empty wagon through a large courtyard, with open stalls in the background. Cut to men who lie down and fire volleys from rifles; back to the horses, still cantering around the courtyard. They are well-behaved and appear to be unaffected by the rifle fire. The horses are rewarded with buckets of food.III. 'PUBLIC SCHOOLS ROWING: St Pauls beat Winchester and Westminster by two lengths in a four-oared race from Beverley Brook to Hammersmith'. The race begins, filmed from moving boat. Shots of the race in progress; the three boats pass what appears to be a well-stocked lumber yard on the bank. Boats pass under Hammersmith Bridge, which is crowded with spectators. The finish, filmed from the rear. After the race, the competitors rest.IV. 'ROSE DAY: Everyone was seen bedecked with the royal flower. A prettily decorated car in one of the main streets'. Women sit in the decorated car (probably in Holborn) and sell roses to passers-by to celebrate Alexandra Rose Day.V. 'QUEEN ALEXANDRA'S DRIVE THROUGH LONDON: Her Majesty accompanied by Princess Victoria visits the principle depots, and sees her army of 15,000 "Girls in White"'. A policemen clears crowds away from the gates (of Buckingham Palace ?) to allow Queen Alexandra's carriage and others to emerge. The carriage passes through the London streets. Many of her 'Girls in White' throw flowers at the Queen's carriage as it passes them. Cheering crowds line the streets as the carriages pass; some people follow.
I. Soldiers enjoy cups of tea at the Cook House.II. Artillery horses are trained.III. Rowing race.IV. Alexandra Rose Day.V. Queen Alexandra passes through London.
Keywords: EFG1914 / World War I / Alexandra, Queen / Victoria, Princess / British Army / British Army, Royal Artillery, Royal Horse Artillery / society, British military - sustenance: chicken plucking / animals, mammals: horse / ceremonies, British - display: carriage procession / recreation, British civilian - sport: rowing / society, British - charity: Rose Day / society, British military - sustenance: tea drinking / training, British military - specialist: artillery horses / Greece / GB, England & London, W
/ London, England, UK -
Provider: Imperial War Museums
Rights: In Copyright / Imperial War Museums
Production company: Topical Film Company
Colour: Black & White
Sound: Without sound
Document type: